

AI Marketing


Unveiling the future of AI in marketing

Aug 21

Copper Key

AI has entered the chat

AI seemingly appeared overnight for many people, but it has already become an integral part of our everyday life—across all sectors. And, while AI has been around for years in various applications, it's just getting started. In fact, according to Grand View Research, the global AI market was valued at $136.55 billion in 2022—and is projected to compound at an annual growth rate of 37.3% through 2030. The use of AI in marketing is one of the most exciting discussions arising, as it has huge potential to transform any content strategy, but we’ve seen many marketers struggle to implement AI effectively.

Source: Artificial Intelligence Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report, Grand View Research, April 2022

This is largely due to a few pervasive myths around AI that many marketers (and maybe even you) have bought into. We want to make sure you’re using AI efficiently and effectively, so today we’re digging into three common AI myths that may be hurting your marketing.

The 3 Biggest Myths About AI in Marketing

Whether you’re currently using AI across your enterprise or getting ready to adopt new tools, here’s what you need to know to use AI the right way—and turn ambitious ideas into awe-inspiring content.

Myth #1: The more AI content, the better

With a massive number of AI tools at your disposal, you may feel incentivized — and even pressured — to create a mountain of AI-generated content. While it can feel powerful to generate content at the snap of your trackpad, there's a word for overabundant content production: spam. It’s true that AI saves time by rapidly executing ideas, but there’s a big difference between volume vs. value. Your goal is to position your brand as a savvy thought leader and trusted resource. Churning out fluff doesn’t help you achieve that; in fact, it can damage your reputation.

When you’re enhancing your creative efforts with innovative tech, always prioritize quality over quantity.

As you experiment with AI in marketing, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does this AI tool streamline my team’s process?
  • Does generated content align with my brand’s messaging?
  • How can I use AI to strengthen the content I already have?

You may use AI to get your brainstorms going, but use your team's real-life brainpower to expand on ideas, hone in on the right angle, and ensure they provide actual value to your audience.

While it can feel powerful to generate content at the snap of your trackpad, there's a word for overabundant content production: spam. It’s true that AI saves time by rapidly executing ideas, but there’s a big difference between quickly-churned-out content and value-adding ideas that position your brand as savvy.


We recommend using your time to dream up bigger and better ideas.

Source: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Marketing Benchmark Report, Influencer Marketing Hub, February 2023

Myth #2: AI will take over everything

In 2022, Gartner predicted that AI-generated content had likely already peaked in popularity and would reach a productivity plateau by 2027—if not earlier.

While AI is a force you can’t ignore, replacing everything you do with AI tools will not bring you the success you think it will.

AI-generated content is seemingly following a technology hype cycle, similar to the music industry’s path in the early 2000’s with the advent of Napster to the streaming boom we see today. In essence, Napster was initially hyped for its unlimited volume of free music. While this explosion in supply seemed valuable, without any mechanism for scarcity, it ironically led to a devaluation of the music industry.

After a few years, the post-Napster music industry steadily resurrected the value of music — not by limiting the quantity but by placing a premium on quality. Through the power of curation, music-streaming services ensured that consumers had access to personalized content they actually wanted. Much like Napster's boom-and-bust hype cycle, generative AI is heading towards a pivotal moment. Initially booming due to its high-volume content production, the resulting potential oversaturation will likely lead to a trough in its hype cycle when (as previously mentioned) the volume of content outweighs the quality.

Source: What’s New in Artificial Intelligence from the 2022 Gartner Hype Cycle, Gartner, September 2022

Ultimately, it’s not using these tools that will help you win—it’s how you use them.


Keep tabs on the AI scene — but don’t over-rely on tools that eclipse your team’s creative capabilities just because it’s what everyone else is doing right now. When you broaden your horizons and look to the future, you’ll likely see that AI has some impressive updates still in store. The real power will come when you use AI to support your own well-crafted strategy (not replace it).

Myth #3: Generative AI isn't good enough for branded content

Let’s face it. Sometimes, ChatGPT doesn’t hit the mark for your social media posts. And we’ve all seen AI-generated fails from text-to-image tools like DALL-E. It’s undeniable that even the most muddy AI-generated content is a breakthrough in content creation — but with AI improving all the time, marketers don't have to settle for twenty-fingered nightmares.


When you’re introducing generative AI to your team, take the extra time to research the best tools for your workflow. With responsible AI as a tenet of your AI marketing strategy, you can curate the right tech stack and training to have on-brand outputs for written, audio and visual content. For example: Would your social media benefit more from a generative tool that inspires captions, or would your prefer a tracking tool that compiles user data and time spent per engagement?

If you’re struggling to reconcile generative AI tools with your current team, remember: AI in marketing isn’t limited to creative inspiration. SEO recommendations, A/B testing, and campaign insights are at your fingertips — and uncovering those tools isn’t as difficult as you might expect.

The Bottom Line for AI in Marketing

AI is here — and it isn’t going anywhere. That means consistent value-adding features hit the market at a dizzying rate. When you decide to make the leap and bring AI-generated content into your marketing strategy, just remember: 

  • Sometimes, less is more. Keep the focus on quality, and you’ll improve your content’s impact. Follow these tips to increase the value of your content.
  • AI is still improving. The robots can’t do everything for you—you still need a strong strategy to make your marketing successful. If you don’t have yours on paper, download Column Five’s free content strategy toolkit.

Of course, we know navigating hundreds of AI tools can be overwhelming on your own. Copper Key, a specialized agency team at Column Five, is uniquely positioned to help visionary brands break into the future of online experiences with revolutionary tech like AI. When you’re ready to expand your capabilities with generative content and tap into the exciting world of AI in marketing, we’re ready to jump in with you. Reach out to find out how we can help curate your AI tech stack.